Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to restore Grub from a live Ubuntu cd.

How to restore Grub from a live Ubuntu cd.

Boot into the live Ubuntu cd. This can be the live installer cd or the older live session Ubuntu cds.
When you get to the desktop open a terminal and enter.

sudo grub
This will get you a "grub>" prompt (i.e. the grub shell). At grub>. enter these commands
find /boot/grub/stage1
This will return a location. If you have more than one, select the installation that you want to provide the grub files.
Next, THIS IS IMPORTANT, whatever was returned for the find command use it in the next line (you are still at grub>. when you enter the next 3 commands)

root (hd?,?)
Again use the value from the find command i.e. if find returned (hd0,1) then you would enter root (hd0,1)
Next enter the command to install grub to the mbr

setup (hd0)
Finally exit the grub shell
That is it. Grub will be installed to the mbr.
When you reboot, you will have the grub menu at startup.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CentOS / Redhat: Create Software RAID 1 Array

Recently, I've added another 73GB SAS disk to my Linux server after the installation. I've 30GB empty partition on old hard disk. How do I convert old /dev/sda3 and new /dev/sdb1 (both 30GB) into RAID 1 to improve NFS server speed and reliability?

RAID devices are virtual devices created from two or more real block devices. Linux supports RAID1 and other levels. You need to have same size partition on both disks i.e. on second disk create partitions exactly the same size as those on the first disk, and set the type as fd (Linux raid autodetect). You need to use the following commands to create RAID 1.

Find Command Exclude Directories From Search Pattern

How do I exclude certain directories while using the find command under UNIX or Linux operating systems?

You can use the find command as follows to find all directories except tmp directory:
find /path/to/dest -type d \( ! -name tmp \) -print
Find all directories except tmp and cache:
find /path/to/dest -type d \( ! -name tmp \) -o \( ! -name cache \) -print
The -prune option make sure that you do not descend into directory:
find /path/to/dest -type d \( ! -name tmp \) -o \( ! -name cache -prune \) -print
You can find all *.pl find except in tmp and root directory, enter:
find /  \( ! -name tmp \) -o \( ! -name root -prune \)  -name "*.pl" -print

Monday, November 8, 2010

Postfix masquerading or changing outgoing SMTP email or mail address

Address rewriting allows changing outgoing email ID or domain name itself. This is good for hiding internal user names. For example:
SMTP user: tom-01
Server name:

However when tom-01 send an email from shell prompt or using php it looks like it was send from
In some cases internal hosts have no valid Internet domain name, and instead use a name such as localdomain.local or something else. This can be a problem when you want to send mail over the Internet, because many mail servers reject mail addresses with invalid domain names to avoid spam.
Postfix MTA offers smtp_generic_maps parameter. You can specify lookup tables that replace local mail addresses by valid Internet addresses when mail leaves the machine via SMTP.

Open your file
# vi /etc/postfix/
Append following parameter
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
Save and close the file. Open /etc/postfix/generic file:
# vi /etc/postfix/generic
Make sure change to
Save and close the file. Create or update generic postfix table:
# postmap /etc/postfix/generic
Restart postfix:
# /etc/init.d/postfix restart
When mail is sent to a remote host via SMTP this replaces by mail address.

You can use this trick to replace address with your ISP address if you are connected via local SMTP.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Howto: Linux kill and logout users

There is a package called procps. It includes various useful (read as nifty) utilities. One of such utility is skill which is responsible to send a signal to users and process such as:
  • Halt user terminal
  • Kill user and logout
Also note that these are utilities to browse the /proc filesystem, which is not a real file system but a way for the kernel to provide information about the status of entries in its process table.

Task: How to halt/stop user called didi

Type the skill command as follows:
# skill -STOP -u didi
You muse be root to stop other users.

Task: How to resume already halted user called didi

Send CONT single to user didi, type the following command:
# skill -CONT -u didi

Task: How to kill and logout user called didi

You can send KILL single, type the following command:
# skill -KILL -u didi

Task: Kill and logout all users

The ultimate command to kill and logout all users, type the following command:
# skill -KILL -v /dev/pts/*

Please note that send users warning message or logout notice using wall command to avoid data loss.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to configure kannel --SMS & WAP gateway

Kannel is an open source WAP  and SMS gateway.  With the help of kannel ,one can connect with the operators SMSC to send and receive SMS.

Kannel  also operates as Push Proxy Gateway , or PPG, making possible for content servers to send data to the phones.

HowTo: Reset Mysql root password

We can reset the Mysql database server password with following 5 easy steps.

1) Stop the MySQL server demon process.
#/etc/init.d/mysql stop
2) Start the MySQL (mysql) server/daemon process with the --skip-grant-tables option so that it will not prompt for password
#mysqld_safe - -skip-grant-tables &
3) Connect to mysql server as the root user
#mysql -u root
4) Setup new root password
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("anypassword") where User='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit
5) Exit and restart MySQL server
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
/etc/init.d/mysql start

Linux: Seach & Replace String in any/multiple files

Search & Replace in multiple files:
perl -n -i -e 's/originalword/newword/i; print;' *.txt
Where *.txt means all the files in the directory having extension .txt.
Search & Rrplace in single file:
a) sed -i s/originalword/newword/g filename.txt
b) replace originalword newword <original.txt >new.txt
Replace command always creates new file with new replaced string.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

HowTo: Install vsftp on ubuntu

Installing vsftpd using text file for virtual users
vsftpd is a secure, fast and stable FTP server. In this tutorial we'll install the server and make it check in a flat text file for virtual users allowed to login.
#1. Install required packages
sudo apt-get install vsftpd libpam-pwdfile

#2. Configure vsftpd (sudo pico /etc/vsftpd.conf)
Edit these variables in the config file and leave everything else with the default value.


Set the local_root to the parent directory where the user's home directories are located

#3. Configure PAM to check the passwd file for users (sudo pico /etc/pam.d/vsftpd)

auth required pwdfile /etc/ftpd.passwd
account required

Make sure you remove everything else from the file

#4. Create the passwd file containing the users

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/ftpd.passwd user1

You can later add additional users to the file like this:

sudo htpasswd /etc/ftpd.passwd user2

#5. Restart vsftpd

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

#6. Create user's home directory since vsftpd doesn't do it automatically

sudo mkdir /var/www/user1

Your done.

HowTo: Linux vsftpd ftp service / server install, configuration

Ubuntu Linux comes with various ftp servers to setup FTP service such as:

=> proftpd - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
=> vsftpd - The Very Secure FTP Daemon
=> ftpd - FTP server
=> wu-ftpd - powerful and widely used FTP server
=> wzdftpd - A portable, modular, small and efficient ftp server
=> pure-ftpd - Pure-FTPd FTP server
I recommend using vsftpd. It is simple and quite secure FTP server. According to vsftpd man page:
vsftpd is the Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Daemon. The server can be launched via a super-server such as inetd or xinetd. Alternatively, vsftpd can be launched in standalone mode, in which case vsftpd itself will listen on the network.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Run Windows Applications on Linux (or Mac) with WINE

There are thousands and thousands of applications available for Linux, and even more being developed as you read this. As much as I love Linux and Open Source, sometimes you happen to love a Windows application so much that you wonder if only this was available on Linux I would completely switch. It has happened to me in the past when I would switch over into Windows to play Counter Strike and Half Life and some people also wanted Photoshop on Linux because the GIMP requires some adjusting to on the interface.
Games are an important mention here because although the Linux games are catching up and going 3D and stuff, one would have to admit that there are a larger number of games for Windows that keep us going back to the Windows World.
Well if you wish for the same, your wish has been granted. There is a solution for all these situations and it has been around for sometime now. Its – WINE. Chances are that if you are into Linux you might have heard of it. WINE is another of those recursive acronyms which stands for WINE Is Not an Emulator (Amazing how they come up with recursive names, GNU and PHP are other examples)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gwibber – Twitter, Facebook, Pownce, Flickr etc. Client [Linux]

Gwibber iconMicro-blogging is all the rage nowadays, though if you don't know what it is you might want to check out Twitter Explained for a little tutorial. The default way to handle micro-blogging and updates is to keep refreshing a page in your browser over and over, but since that can be a bit of a pain, having a desktop client to poll for updates is very handy.
But then let's face it, Twitter's not the only micro-blogging platform out there, and it's definitely not the only program that lets you have status updates. That's why having a Twitter-only client doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. I was using Twitux before, but since then I joined a fully open-source micro-blogging platform called Probably by virtue of being open-source software, it has a large Linux-user population, so I had to join. And Twitux doesn't work with it. Enter Gwibber.
Gwibber is a status-update client for a lot of services. I'm just using it for Twitter and, but it also works for Digg, Jaiku, Facebook, Pownce, and Flickr. It's actively developed, and the developer (Ryan Paul of ArsTechnica) seems to be listening to user input, so that's definitely a plus.

How To Recover Deleted Files From Your Linux System

Recovering deleted/lost files on a Windows system is easy to do as there are plenty of software (both paid and free file recovery apps) that allows you to do so like a CSI expert.  But what about Linux?
Recently my Linux hard disk crashed on me and it was then that I discovered that there was a limited choice of data recovery tools that I could use on my Linux system. In my desperate attempt to revive my hard disk (and the data on it), I came across these two great pieces of software TestDisk and PhotoRec that single-handedly saved my hard disk.

How To Install Microsoft Text Fonts In Ubuntu Linux

install-microsoft-core-fonts-ubuntu Arial, Times New Roman, Impact and Verdana are some of the most commonly used fonts. They are so widely used in fact that whenever you open a Word document from any computer, you immediately expect to find their presence. However, on your newly installed Ubuntu (and many other Linux distros), you will find that there is absolutely no trace of any of these fonts.
Ubuntu, by default, does not include the commonly used Microsoft core fonts in its installation. The set of fonts that it uses is not supported in Windows or Mac. This means that if you create a document and send to your partner for editing, he/she will not be able to view it in the way that it was originally formatted. Vice versa, you won't be able to view the document that your friend sends you in the way that it was formatted, unless he/she is using the same fonts as you.

How To Password Protect GRUB Entries (Linux)

how-to-password-protect-grub-entries GRUB or the GRand Unified Bootloader is the bootloader commonly installed by Linux distributions on your hard disk. GRUB is responsible for showing you the menu that allows you to choose the operating system you want to boot into and also lets you tweak and control the booting options.
Awesome powers in good hands but as you probably know "with great powers come great responsibilities", so GRUB allows you to lock down some features and boot entries to allow only the intended users to go through.
When talking of security in computer systems one often needs to analyse the situation one is in and choose the appropriate options. If you have hackers getting physical access to your computer system the GRUB security measures won't last a second (pretty much nothing would do). Your best bet in such a situation is to keep the hard drive encrypted, or if your hard drive can be password protected, use that option.

How To Reset Any Linux Password

how to reset password in linuxTo reset your root password (or any other account's password for that matter), there are essentially two different situations which require varying approaches.
When you can use GRUB If you have GRUB installed and you have accesses to edit boot parameters of selected entries then the job is as easy as it can get. Follow along and you shall have root access in no time. Once you have root access you can pretty much do anything you want to do!

Play Games Inside Your Linux Terminal

play games in terminalSo you spend most of your time on the terminal? Just entered a few commands? Feeling bored? How about some command line games? Yep, there are some oldies but goldies you can delve into for a little recreation on the terminal. So, how do your play games in terminal?
All you need to do is to install the required package and you get a ton of ways to "make use of" your time! Ubuntu users can get it via "sudo apt-get install " or via the Synaptic package manager. Other users might want to check out their distribution's package manager.

Linux System Administration Made Easy with Webmin

Linux System administration is no walk in the park. With all the commands and configuration files you need to know about, managing a Linux system is everything but an easy task. Making things a little easier is "Webmin". While you would still need some knowledge about a Linux system and what you want to achieve, Webmin provides an easier interface and a centralised place from where you can configure and monitor your system.


Use your distribution's package manager to install Webmin. Or else you can visit the Webmin downloads page and get the binaries or source-code according to your requirements.

How to Put Home, Computer, Trash icons on Ubuntu Desktop

The other day, I was explaining some of the benefits of Linux to one of my friends. I managed to do so pretty well, so much so that he decided to give it a shot. Then came the choice of distribution, I had an Ubuntu CD so passed it along and he was able to install it just fine. The first thing he tells me is that there no icons on the desktop? How am I supposed to browse my files?
Some distros provide you with these icons on the desktop and some don't. Having the icons on the desktop might be an overkill for the geeks. After all, the Places Menu works just fine. However, I guess new users still want those icons on the desktop (Ubuntu forums would attest to the fact). So, if you are looking to get the Home, Trash or the Computer icons on the desktop, it is very easy. Follow along (works for all Gnome-based distros)

6 Different Ways To Kill Unresponsive Programs in Linux

Most Windows users know about the utility of the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys when dealing with an unresponsive application. A program is said to be unresponsive when it doesn't respond to any user interaction and neither does it perform its intended actions. There are plenty of jokes surrounding the whole Ctrl + Alt + Del combination that brings up the task manager in Windows and allows you to end unresponsive applications. Things seldom go this far in the Linux world, however claiming that such Linux unresponsiveness doesn't occur would be a plain lie.
The good thing about Linux is that you almost never have to hit the reset button due to unresponsive or hung applications. There are so many ways you can gain back control that you never have to resort to such extreme measures. In this article, we take a look at some of the ways you can deal with unresponsive applications on your Linux box.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

DHCP Explained: Installing & Configuring A Free DHCP Server [Linux]

dhcp domain server internetDHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. On a network configured with DHCP, the computers ask for an IP address and the DHCP server responds with a unique IP address and other required information like domain name servers and router addresses. DHCP thus saves the administrator a lot of work and is specially useful in larger networks.
However there is nothing stopping you using such a free DHCP server setup on your home network as well. Another advantage is that all the settings are stored in one place so any changes can be done easily without having to reconfigure all of your computers.

Installing free DHCP server is easy, it is the configuration that takes some time and thought. That said, once you have installed and configured a DHCP server you are saved from all the chores like rotating IP addresses, keeping track of what IPs have been assigned and configuring each computer/device separately etc.

Grsync – A Simple GUI to Help You Use ‘rsync’ Easily [Linux]

One of the many reasons syncing solutions like Dropbox are so popular is due to the fact that they are intelligent enough to know which files are already present on the server and other computer; and only transfer new and changed files. For example, you can copy and paste your Dropbox folder to a totally separate location or a new computer and then link up your Dropbox account to that folder. Dropbox will recognize that the files are all the same and won't waste bandwidth transferring all the files back and forth.

There were options like setting up the archive bit and then use a script to automate the process but that would have required fair bit of testing before I could really use it with confidence. Luckily, I could SSH into the server and use the rsync command.

How To Disable Internet Explorer

All great things (and not-so-great) must come to an end. You may find yourself, for various reasons, wanting to ditch Internet Explorer for a better browser. Some site security concerns while others prefer an alternative browser, Firefox or Opera, for example, that holds to open standards. Some simply think that Micro$oft iz t3h 5U><0R5, and don't want to deal with any MS product.

How To Kill Unresponsive Programs without The Task Manager

Windows is generally not known for its stability. Among other things there are frequent "Not Responding" applications. The reasons may vary from less RAM to Viruses to poorly designed applications. So what do you do when an application hangs up?
I bet you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del or fire up the task manager in some other way, reach for the application and choose "End Task". Now there is nothing wrong with this approach, in fact as long as it gets the job done it doesn't matter how you do it. However, ever had the situation where the task manager itself takes ages to load up? Of course it can happen because task manager does a lot of other things besides just ending tasks so it requires that much more resources.

How To Make A Calendar Template In Excel


Today I'm going to share a few additional cool features in Excel that you can use specifically to make a calendar template in Excel.

Make a Calendar Template in Excel � A Step-By-Step Tutorial

The following calendar sheet is an Excel calendar template that you can open up and print each month. You have the option to keep it blank and it'll automatically update to the correct month � all you have to do is print and fill in the days. Or, you can use the last few techniques described at the end of this article to fill in the sheet with the days before printing. It requires a little extra work, but it looks very cool.

How To Make An “EXE” Installation File

iExpressWe all download software from the Internet or install applications off a CD or some other media. While some companies decide to just distribute their applications packaged in zip files, most of them use some form of an installation program, which is usually an EXE – Executable file – that runs you through a series of steps to install the said software on your machine.
Have you ever wondered how those EXE files are created ?
Well, there are a lot of software that can help you create install packages to distribute your software, and today we'll walk you through using one that has been been there on your Windows system all along. This unassuming utility is called iExpress and is (probably) the easiest utility you'll ever find to make an EXE file for your software.
So, if you've ever wondered how those installation programs are created, how the "magic" happens during the installation wizard and how a simple single executable spits out hundreds of real useable program files, we'll answer that question for you today.

Since Microsoft doesn't create an icon for iExpress in the Programs menu, we'll have to run it manually. If you're using Windows XP, go to the Start menu and click the Run button. In the dialogue box that pops up, type iexpress.exe and press Enter. If, like me, you use Windows Vista, just click the Start menu and start typing iexpress and you'll see the icon popup in the search results.

how to make exe

iExpress runs as a simple wizard and will ask you a couple of questions and based on your choices will generate the installer for you. The first question that you have to answer is if you want to create a new Installer or open an existing one. Since, this is (presumably) your first time using iexpress, we'll select the first option and click Next.

how to make exe

The next screen will ask you the type of package you want it to create.
iExpress can create a package that runs a command after it unpacks all files to a temporary location, or only extract the files to a location that the user specifies. The first option is useful if you want to, for example, run a script to make changes to the registry before the user runs your program for the first time.
There is a third option to create compressed files only but that is only applicable if you're distributing Active-X controls. iExpress displays a handy description below each option so you can read that if you're still not sure which about which option to select.

how to make exe file

The next step is to give a name to the package that you'll create. Enter the name in the text box and move to the next screen.

make a exe a window

This step will let you display a confirmation message to the user installing the application. If you want to display a message to your user asking for confirmation if he/she wants to go ahead with the installation, then type in a message in the text box provided and when you're done click Next.

make a exe a window

Now, you will be able to select a license agreement which the installer will ask the user to adhere to. If you have a license agreement for your application, then type it in a text file and provide that here or else select the "Do not display a license" option and move on.

make a exe a window

This is where you actually select the files that will be installed by the installer that you're creating. You can select as many files as you want here. Add files to the list by clicking on the Add button.

make exe file

Now, you can safely move forward a few steps and keep clicking on the next button till you come across the Package name and options screen. This is where you select a name for the actual EXE file that gets generated and decide whether you want to hide the extraction process from your users or let them see all the gory details. You can also generate a log files for the installation process.

make exe file

In the next step you can choose to create what iExpress calls a Self Extraction Directive file. This is needed if you want to later change some of the options that you chose and create another modified installer. Since, we don't want that right now, we'll choose not to create an SED file.
That's it.  iExpress will now go ahead and create an EXE file for you.

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How To Sync Microsoft Outlook With Google Calendar

ThumbnailSometimes I wish that dates were the things that only grew on palms. But alas, it stares back at us from calendars too. Apart from the walls, we have them everywhere…online, offline, iPhones And with all that comes the task of managing them. It seems such a chore at first, but the payoffs if we can keep at it with discipline, is a more organized life.
Which are your two favorite calendar apps? I hope its Microsoft Outlook on the desktop and Google Calendar on the web; because this is what the post is all about. Both are full blown calendar utilities and adopting any one decidedly makes our life a whole lot easier.
But what if you decide to use both, like I do? One reason is that both have their own features and also I like to store my my plans in two places (offline and online) for all time access. As I said before, maintaining one is a chore…two could be a headache. Thankfully no, because there are some ways we can sync Outlook with Google Calendar.

The Little But Handy Outlook/Google Calendar Sync

A 684KB tool from Google takes away the pain of keeping both calendars updated. Google Calendar Sync works with Outlook 2003/2007 on Windows XP and Windows Vista. The utility not only allows us to sync Microsoft Outlook calendar events with Google Calendar, it also allows us to set the direction of flow (1-way or 2-way). Also we can specify the sync frequency by giving a time interval.
Google recommends deciding on the calendar which will act as the source and the one that will be the sink. The source will be the main calendar and contain most of the information. It's better to clear the other calendar of all events and start with a clean slate.
Now, let's install and sync. Close Outlook if it's running. Installation is clear cut and simple.

  1. The Google Calendar Sync window looks like this –
  2. sync outlook with google calendar

  3. The first part covers the log-in details of your calendar account. The second part is about how you plan to sync between Outlook and Google Calendar. You have three options to choose from which are pretty self explanatory.
    • 2 – Way: The data flows both ways. Change any detail in one calendar and it gets updated in the other too.
    • 1 – Way (Google Calendar to Outlook): Information flows from Google Calendar to the default Outlook Calendar. Any changes in the Outlook calendar will not be shown in the Google Calendar automatically.
    • 1-Way (Outlook to Google Calendar): Information goes from Outlook to Google Calendar. Any changes in Google Calendar will not get updated Outlook automatically.
  4. sync outlook with google calendar

  5. All that's left is to set the update/sync interval. The bare minimum is 10 minutes while the default is 120 minutes.
  6. Google Calendar Sync runs from the system tray and you can access the settings with a right click. For instance, a manual sync is right click and Sync.
  7. sync outlook with gcal

When the syncing operation is on, you will notice swirling arrows in the system icon. It's a simple solution and probably the only thing that would make it more complete would be a date range selection feature.

Did You Know You Can Subscribe To Your Google Calendar In Outlook?

Outlook offers an easy way to add internet calendars like Google. Google Calendar obliges by giving us a private URL to use. Using this private URL we can view updated Google Calendars within Outlook. This is just one way as any changes in our Outlook Calendar will not get reflected in Google Calendar.
But here's how you can view your updated Google Calendar in Outlook –
  1. Log-in to your Google Calendar account.
  2. On the left-hand side, click on Settings for the calendar you want to use under My calendars.
  3. outlook sync

  4. On the Calendars tab, click on the (account name) of your calendar.
  5. outlook sync

  6. The Calendar Details tab opens up. Go down to Private Address and click ICAL. Select the Internet Web address that appears, and then press CTRL+C to copy the selected text. This private link is intended for your use only.
  7. outlook sync

  8. Open Outlook. Go to Tools – Account Settings. On the Internet Calendars tab, click New.
  9. sync outlook

  10. Paste the Internet Web address copied from Google Calendar and click Add.
  11. sync outlook

  12. Give a name to the calendar in the Folder Name field. Now, any changes made in Google Calendar will show up in Outlook.
  13. sync outlook

A little utility called Google Calendar Sync does the synchronizing job for us. That's the easy part…the difficult part is keeping to the calendar (as the multi-million dollar time management industry always tells us).
There are a few other tools which do the job. We have briefly covered OggSync before which also allows you to do a two-way sync between Outlook (and Microsoft Exchange) and Google Calendar(s). You can also try out SyncMyCal Lite which comes with all basic calendar synchronization features.

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How To Connect Your Xbox 360 Hard Drive To Your PC

connect xbox hard drive to pcDid you ever need to connect your Xbox 360 hard drive to your PC? Whether you wanted to make a back-up of your files or decided to use the storage, it probably didn't prove as easy as you thought.
Microsoft uses a special connector to attach the hard drive to the Xbox 360, and you won't be able to connect it to your PC. At least not right away, because inside that shiny plastic and metal shell, there's a small hard drive like any other.
Today we're going to show you how to open up your Xbox 360 hard drive and connect it to your PC, in this step by step, illustrated guide.

 Opening Up Your Xbox 360 Hard Drive

To pull this off, you're going to need
  • an Xbox 360 with hard drive (obviously)
  • a Windows-enabled PC with at least one S-ATA port
  • two special screwdrivers; a TORX T-6 and TORX T-10. These are somewhat different from your usual Philips screwdriver, so you might have to head to the hardware store for them. Without them, you'll have a hard time reaching the hard drive and might even damage it beyond repair. Caution is strongly advised.
Since you're working with sensitive electronics, you might want to wear an anti-static wrist strap or surface. Otherwise, by carrying over static electricity, you might short some of the components.

connect xbox hard drive to pc

First thing we'll need to do is open up the protective shell that envelops your Xbox 360 hard drive. Pull it out of your Xbox by pressing the button at the bottom. Turn it upside down, and remove the Microsoft seal.
Be aware that this voids all and any warranty that you have left on your Xbox 360's hard drive. If it breaks after the procedure, you'll have to buy a new one.
Don't worry too much though, the warranty on your Xbox 360 system will remain intact nonetheless.

connect xbox hard drive to pc

You'll notice that there are four visible screws at the bottom, one of which was hidden under the seal. You can remove these with the TORX T-6 screwdriver. After that, the top side should part pretty easily. Don't pull too hard, just start at the rounded side and pull it open slowly. The square part should give away too, in the end.

connect xbox hard drive to computer

To your great horror, you'll discover four more TORX screws. You can use the T-10 this time. After you've removed them, pull away the thin metal cover. Abracadabra. Below you'll find a 2.5″ hard drive.

connect xbox hard drive to computer

After you unplug the cable and try to take it out of its shell, you'll notice that it only slides until it hits a little plastic button at the far side. To get it out, gently lift up the metal casing, and keep it high while you slide out your hard drive. If you can't unplug the cable, start sliding the hard drive out first, and gently push the cable out of its socket once you've got enough room.

connect xbox hard drive to computer

Voila, there you have it. Did you ever imagine your Xbox 360 hard drive would be so… ordinary?

Connecting Your Xbox 360 Hard Drive to Your PC

The Xbox 360 hard drive is a simple 2.5″ S-ATA hard drive, so you would connect it like you would a regular one. Most computers open pretty easily, and you can take the side away with only two screws. You'll need to attach both a S-ATA cable from your computer's motherboard to your hard drive, as well as a S-ATA power cable from your computer's power supply. Both are depicted below.

xbox hard drive transfer

Alternatively, you can find S-ATA to USB adapters online for ten to twenty bucks. It'll spare you a lot of trouble, and is safer if you don't like opening up your computer.
To view the files on your disk, or to make a full back-up, you'll need to download Xplorer360. It's an entirely free and easy to use tool. With Xplorer360, you can read and write to Xbox 360 hard drives. By going to Drive -> Backup Image, you can already make a full back-up. Have fun!

xbox hard drive transfer

I hope you've learned something from this tutorial. If you've got any other questions, don't be afraid to ask, there's a comments section below!

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5 Tips To Reset The Administrator Password in Windows XP


1. Use Alt, Control, Delete & The Windows Welcome Screen

If you have set your computer up to login via the Welcome Screen, there may be a slight chance that you will be able to login as the Administrator. Depending on who installed XP on your computer, there may or may not be a password on the Administrator's account.
So simply press Alt+Control+Delete twice. You will be presented with a login box. Click OK to login without typing any user name or password in. If that doesn't work, type in 'Administrator' into the username box and press enter. If that doesn't work, so far, you are in bad luck.
If you are able to log in, simply go to the control panel, go into User Accounts and change your password.

2. Login To Another Account & Reset The Password Through User Management (XP Professional Only)

This will only work if you have Windows XP Professional, and you can login with an account. Right click on My Computer and select Manage. Then select Local User and Groups –> Users. Right click on your username and select Set Password. Follow the prompts and set yourself a new password.
If you can't get into Device Manager because you don't have a user account to get into your computer, you can try opening Device Manager from another computer. Right click on where it says Computer Management (Local) and choose Connect to another computer… once you are logged in to another computer within your home network.

how to reset Windows XP password

Then enter your computer IP or Name. For example 169.168.x.x, 10.1.1.x or \\DesktopPC. (replacing x.x with your computer IP address. You can also click on Browse –> Advance –> Find now to browse for computers on your network.

how to reset Windows XP password

If you are granted access to the remote computer, follow the steps I mentioned above and set a new password. If not, continue reading.

3. Reset The Password Through Safe Mode & Command Prompt

If the above steps have failed so far, you can try and boot into Safe Mode. To do this, press F8 while your computer is booting. Once in safe mode, you can try going into the control panel and reset your password. If you can't, you can try and open up a Command Prompt by opening Run and typing cmd. Enter net user [username] [enternewpassword]. For example, If I want to change my account which is Jack to password abcde, I would type in net user jack abcde and press enter. Your password should now be changed.

how to reset Windows XP password

4. Use A Live (Bootable CD)

If you are at this stage, and haven't so far managed to get into your computer, you may want to use a Live Bootable CD. You may want to have a look at the post 3 Ways To Reset A Forgotten Windows Administrator Password and follow those steps.
Alternatively, you can use the Live CD so you can boot into your computer and access the files so you can back them up on an external hard drive or USB stick. If you can't get into Windows, this is your only option.

5. Remove Your HardDrive, Backup, Format, Reinstall

One final way, and probably a good thing to do if your computer is running really slow, or you can't get into Windows at all; take out your hard drive, put it into another computer, backup your data, format the hard drive, put it back into the original computer, and re-install Windows. You may want to have a look at The Idiot's Ultimate Guide to Building Your Own PC for some help taking out your hard drive.
So these are my basic tips if I can't get access to a computer to a user account in a Windows XP computer. I hope these tips will come in handy.

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Create Custom Ubuntu CDs Easily With Reconstructor [Linux]

create custom ubuntu cdEver wanted Ubuntu to include your favorite software on the CD by default? Or perhaps you are not too overwhelmed by the design choices? A foolproof way to get around such issues is to customize and create your own Ubuntu CD. The traditional ways as documented on the Ubuntu Wiki are at best cumbersome and involve a fair bit of hacking around. How about clicking your way to a custom CD? Yes you can – with Reconstructor.
Reconstructor lets you customize and create your own CD or a disk image with ease. You can add various packages and customize the look and feel of the desktop, tweak some settings and customize a whole lot more using this awesome web application. The best part is the fact that you don't have to run a single command.

You need to create an account with Reconstructor before you can proceed. The account is free and requires just about 5 fields of information from your side. Next log into the site. Start by creating a new project. Give your project a nice name, description and version. You can then choose the distro you want to base your project on.
Reconstructor only supports Debian and Ubuntu (including Lucid Lynx). You also have the choice to build for your 64-bit computer if you choose to. Specify the type of project, environment and click Create.

create custom ubuntu cd

Your newly created project is listed in the sidebar. Click on it to activate and begin customizing. You can add packages, modules, members, tags and files. Let's have a brief look on what each of these means.
Packages as you might be aware with your prior experience with Debian/Ubuntu refer to packaged software products. To add packages you click on the '+' icon next to packages and you are presented with a dialog where you can choose what additional packages you want to include on your build. Keep in mind that the packages you add here will be added in addition to the packages that Debian/Ubuntu include by default.

create custom ubuntu cd

Modules are the most interesting part of Reconstructor, allowing you to tweak certain aspects of the operating system. You add modules, just like you would added packages above (via the '+' icon next to modules). Unlike packages however, each module involves some configuration that will be applied to your build.
For example, if you want to add additional software sources to your build, you can do this by using the APT repository module. Once added, click on the module, to bring up the configuration dialog box, where you will be able to provide the repository path and other details required to configure a software source in Debian/Ubuntu.
There are other modules that you can choose to change the wallpaper for example. Others to change the splash screen or the theme, or to create new icons on the desktop and so on.

customize ubuntu cd

You can also add custom files to be included in the finished build, tag your project and even invite other people to collaborate on the project. Once you are done customizing the build you should click on the Build Project icon.
Reconstructor, being a web application, doesn't immediately build your project, instead a new job is created in your job queue. You are sent an email as soon as the job is completed (a few hours at least) and your build is ready for download. You can then download the customized build and burn it.

customize ubuntu cd

On the whole Reconstructor is a fantastic toolkit that you can use to create custom Ubuntu or Debian CDs/DVD's for yourself. You can include your wallpapers, include the extra packages that you might need and you don't need to run a single command. You can even prioritize jobs submitted by you by buying priority services.

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